I am grateful for so much in my life. Warm cats. Sunshine in London. My weekly radio show. A computer in a newsroom somewhere in Harrow, which enables me to blog during the Great Internet Drought of November. And the food and fellowship I am about to enjoy.
A year ago, I couldn't see my way to a UK Visa--I knew I would find a way, but I couldn't see how at the time. I was worried about paying rent. Affording cat food (and people food, while we're at it). I walked whenever I could to save a bus fare. I accepted the kindness of strangers and friends. In many ways, I've never felt so alone--and so loved.
My circumstances may have altered a bit since then, but the gratitude remains. I'm relieved to have worries that look more like, why can't I find the wireless converter that I need? Or, I can't believe I overcooked the pumpkin seeds. They seem absolutely ludicrous compared to last year's troubles.
But one thing I've learned is that the perception of trouble--or gratitude--is all up to me. I may have seen hardship, but in the midst of it there was always some great joy. And there is always some annoyance amidst satisfaction as well. We be people--that is how we roll. :)
This Thanksgiving I am in love with my life, and can see a future unfolding before me that promises everything I've always wanted for myself. I am missing my family's holiday celebration in Iowa City again, and cousins' children are growing older by the hour without my witnessing it. Conversations are ensuing which will never be recreated and food and drink abound. But I will peek into the festivities via the wonders of a little Skype window and taste that lovely gathering, even as I'm recovering from a feast celebrated with my new international grad school friends. One opportunity lost; another arising.
As wind whips around outside on a particularly blustery day, I think of those who will occupy doorways and underpasses tonight. I think of stray kitties not as fortunate as mine. And people who truly feel they don't have a friend in the world. I have never been that unlucky. I have received much and have a lot to share. I have seen so much of the world by age 41, it's ridiculous. And I am almost never bored.
I could go on. But I've a dinner to get to. And so do you.
gratitude abounds
as my life keeps serving up
a feast for the soul
A rich and soul-filled post - just as filling as my Thanksgiving dinner.
A rich and soul-filling post - much the same as my Thanksgiving dinner. Thanks!
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