22 March 2011


I have never been a workaholic. In seminary, we were repeatedly cautioned against getting out of balance with our time management, and not knowing when to take a break. Even as I heard these warnings, I knew it would never be a problem for me. That's just not how I roll.

In fact, I may err more on the side of taking it easy. I have always been conscious of healthy boundaries, and encourage others to do the same (with varying degrees of success). I like to think that what I have to offer is a mindfulness of leisure and sabbath time, something which is sometimes lacking in my more motivated peers.

Throughout my post academic life, whenever I've been employed full-time, I've guarded and cherished my day off. Because most of those years have involved some sort of ministry, it happens that I've declared my own "sabbath" day--usually a Monday or Friday.

Now, however, I find myself in a half-time employment situation. For the first few months on the job, I neglected to take a "day off," figuring that half time hours would allow for plenty of down time. The time I wasn't working my job, however, was being filled with household and other obligations, volunteering, seeking further employment, etc. What I noticed was a growing resentment as the weekend approached, and I realized that I would be working through it (as pastors do), and then going straight into the next week with no real break in sight.

I soon recognized what was missing: a true "sabbath" day, just as I had always observed. Even part time pastors need a day off--go figure. :)

And so Monday has become, once again, a little oasis each week. I may get things done around the house; I may not. The point is, I don't beat myself up for it either way. Mostly, I'm enjoying what there is to enjoy: time with my furry housemates, good conversation, tasty morsels, an occasional massage, or idle web surfing.

And once again, order has been restored to my week.

A day's refreshment
Joy not to be overlooked
Thank God it's Monday!

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